Ready to Boost Your Construction Business? Follow These Tips
There are many everyday things you can do to increase your construction business. In many cases, it is as simple as working with the best materials, products, and tools. For example, buying the highest quality nails can translate into better results which can win you word-of-mouth contracts. At Grove Hardware we are proud to offer high quality products but today we are also offering some unique tips to help you grow your construction business.
You must know your numbers
It’s common in this business for companies to work on one or two projects at a time and to know what the bottom lines are, without knowing the ins and outs. For example, you should know your close rate, your project costs, and a variety of other figures. When you have all the data you need, you will be able to figure out which jobs are making you the most money and are therefore worth concentrating on.
Have a sales process in place
Simply having a simple sales process in place could increase your close rate by 10 to 20 points. When you have a process to follow, you can be free in the moment to focus on your client. Without one, you will be striving to decide what to bring up next or how to get your point across. It takes time to create a streamlined sales process but it can pay off immediately.
Tell your company story
When clients choose who to work with, they are not just choosing based on what they see on paper. They are building a relationship. Knowing your history, knowing your position within the industry, and knowing why you are the authority for their particular project can have a big impact and help you move forward.
Showcase the ways your company is unique
When you are working on sales materials or bids, don’t focus on what everyone else will be focusing on. Figure out what is truly unique about your company and highlight that. Whether it’s your years of experience, your unique materials, or the fact that you use power tools and accessories that the other companies aren’t using. There must be something about your company that stands out – that is what you should be focusing on.
Focus on the right customers
You have likely been in situations with customers who try to negotiate the price for every little nail. These jobs not only don’t bring much income to your company, but they are also a hassle. When you consider the time wasted working with an individual or company that makes every step difficult, you can see that going after better clients is a better use of your time.
At Grove Hardware we can’t go into the field and find clients for you but we can help you get the best materials. Feel free to stop by to learn more or give us a call at 909-544-4331 if you have questions about your options.